Fiscal Year End Sale

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Fiscal Year End Sale!

As the fiscal year comes to an end we frequently find ourselves cleaning up, cleaning out and getting around to those โ€œto doโ€™sโ€ that have been sitting on a post it note for months.

Weโ€™d like to help! ย We are putting sale prices on some of our more popular year end services.

Online training for only $800 per day: You will receive the undivided attention of one of our product experts. Whether it be a new user with little or no experience or an experienced user that needs to learn a new task, our experts will share a desktop session and walk users through the process, answer questions and help them feel more comfortable with our software.

20% off data purges: Do you have years and years and years of data in your live directory? Have you noticed reports and queries taking a little too long to run? ย It may be time to purge some of your older data into a historical directory. We can keep any number of years in your live directory (we usually recommend the current fiscal year plus the 2 previous) and then put all that history in a separate data space. Your history will still be right at your fingertips, stored on your cloud server and available through its own unique url. ย This is one of our best year end clean up services! Prices vary based on data size, but weโ€™ll take 20% off large or small!

15% off new digitized signature setups: Tired of hand signing checks or POs? ย We can automate the signature process for up to three signature lines on checks and one signature on POs. Set up signatures for the new year to save 15%, ย and you will no longer have checks or POs lying around waiting on signatures!

Sale prices apply to signed proposals received by July 15th, 2018. And donโ€™t forget some of our other services that are helpful at year end:

  • Account Code Changes and Conversions: need help with ESSA reporting?
  • Frontline Absence and Time Integrations: why key leave, sub and time transactions when you can import them from Frontline into OpenRDA
  • Leave Liability Reporting: we can create a custom report to calculate your annual liability

If you need any assistance with your year end processes or have any questions about these services, be sure to let us know! ย 

Happy Summer!

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