5 Benefits of User Group Meetings

We have had several successful User Group Meetings this year. ย Thank you!!! ย Our next one is in Bismark, ND on October 24 in conjunction with NDSBA. ย (Brrrrrr..)

A successful user group meeting is one where everyone walks away knowing more than when they came. ย I want you to have several new tips or processes to try upon your return to your office that will have a positive impact for you and your organization. ย While the software is important, conversations are not limited to just it. ย You can benefit in many ways. ย Here are five.

  1. Learn a better way to accomplish a task
  2. Meet your peers and discover how they solve problems
  3. Learn about a new module or feature and how to use it
  4. Discuss hassles in the software with RDA and peers
  5. Encourage someone with a solution you developed

The RDA Team also finds user group meetings helpful. ย We get to know you better. ย You share your ideas with us. ย We learn about ways to improve our software and services.ย ย We listen to what you have to say. ย As a result of each meeting, several ย changes / improvements are made to the software.

Thank you to the folks at Amelia County Schools, Poquoson City Schools and Warren County Schools for hosting meetings this year. ย I also like to give a shout out to Dona Todd and Kathy Disalvo for planning these important events! ย Yeaaa! ย Amelia gets the award for the best doughnuts!

As 2013 winds down, we are planning our User Group Meeting schedule for 2014. ย If you would like to host one in your area, please reach out to Dona Todd. ย Or, next time there is a meeting in your area, please join us. ย Bring your ideas, hassles and questions to share. ย Everyone will benefit from your participation.

If you attended a meeting this year, let others know how it went in the Comments section next to the title of this article.

I look forward to seeing you soon.


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