Leave Liability Reporting

Hard to believe another fiscal year end is right around the corner! It is time to start thinking about the task of calculating Leave Liability. This can be a very tedious and time-consuming task, with an enormous impact on the planning and budget processes for the future. That’s why RDA is offering a service to calculate this on your behalf.

We can customize your Leave Liability reporting to meet your specific needs. With our help, you’ll no longer have to maintain a separate spreadsheet to produce leave liability information for the auditors. RDA will customize reports based on your individual Leave formulas to easily and quickly provide accurate information for the auditors!

This is a very time-sensitive task requiring advance preparation and coordination as to when RDA would receive a copy of your data in order to perform the calculations. Therefore, in order for us to be able to serve each customer efficiently, we will need to know as soon as possible if you would like to take advantage of this service. Please contactย Mimiย English if you would like to have RDA review your Leave policy and provide a quote for a custom Leave Liability Report.

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