Merry Christmas!!

Chistmas Stable In Bethlehem

The RDA Team is grateful to have had the opportunity to serve you this year. ย Christ, our Lord and the reason for all the holiday excitement, came to serve. ย He is our model. We are called to live like him. He served perfectly. We fall short. Though, through His grace, we are able to still accomplish much. We are able to help and serve you. To Him be the glory!!

More good news: Through you, we are able to humbly serve and help those in need. You enable us to meet the physical and spiritual needs of many people. Food, shelter and the Hope of the Gospel are provided with much love and encouragement.

May the Joys of Christmas fill your heart throughout the New Year!

The RDA Team



If you would like to learn more about the organizations we/you support, please engage the links below.

Reformation Hope Orphanage & School

Hands of Love Orphanage

North Georgia Pregnancy Center


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