A Favorite Word and Report

Plethora! ย I always thought that was such a neat word. But (after googling it recently) not so much some of its synonyms (excess, surfeit).

You’ve probably heard me say that OpenRDA has a plethora of reports. ย And, I mean that in a good way; in the sense that there are a large numberย of reports, a cornucopia. ย  In the Payroll module alone, there are over 130 standard reports and this isn’t counting the state-specific reports and the process-level reports (or those available in the other HR modules).

One of the many standard reports that are available in the Financial Management module is the Net Change report (one of my favorites; I like to call it Equity Flow). ย If you want to quickly see the status (net change) in each fund by fiscal month, check this one out (it’s accessed via Summary, G/L). ย Fund balance, revenue, expenditures, encumbrances, and net change for the fiscal year are displayed. A snapshot of the report is below.

What’s your favorite word? ย Let me know by adding comments to this blog or sending me an email. And, if there’s a report you want to know more about, please don’t hesitate to ask.




Net Change Report

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