ACA Electronic File



We are excited to announce that the electronic files are now available in OpenRDA, and RDA has passed all the requirements set by the IRS. ย ย The filing process was included in the June 6, 2016 release of programs.

We have created two separate WIKIs with instructions on how to run the electronic file. This same process is used to create both the live and test files that will need to be submitted.



As a reminder, all employers that are filing electronic ACA Information returns MUST obtain a submitterโ€™s TCC. You must have an approved application in place before you can submit your electronic file. In addition to obtaining a TCC, electronic filers must also pass a testing requirement. Please see our blog, โ€œACA Electronic File Testingโ€, which was posted on June 2, 2016 for information you will need for this testing.

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