Alert – Payroll Make Transactions & Cybersupport

I am sorry to report that the programs released yesterday contain a couple of bugs.ย  We are working diligently to repair them and get the repairs to you.

The problem with Payroll Make Transactions revolves around refunding deductions.ย  If you are processing any deduction refunds, please hold off on running the Make Transactions process. ย  All other payroll processes work as expected.

When sending in a CyberSupport request, if you do not get a CyberSupport confirmation email, please consider that we did not receive your request.ย  Email us directly (support@rdasys.com) or place a telephone call toย 800-338-4984ย with your request for help.

We will keep you apprised of our progress in resolving these issues.

I apologize for these bugs getting out the door.ย  You trust us to fully test and approve any code changes we provide to you.ย  This is very important to me.ย  I am sorry for these problems during this busy season.ย  We will learn from this and get better at releasing bug free code.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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