Budgeting and Complexity

Remember when I said it’s not complicated? Unfortunately, some things are. One of our users (a director of budget/finance for one of our schools in Virginia whose last day, I regret to say, was earlier this week) told me recently that it took him awhile to realize that any software that was powerful enough to handle the complexities of a school system couldn’t be simple. He was referring, in particular, to our Budget Preparation module. We do try to keep processes in our software as simple and uncomplicated as possible, but always with sound accounting principles in mind as well as the result we/you are trying to achieve. Governmental accounting by its very nature is complex. Anyone who tries to stay on top of all the latest GASB pronouncements can certainly understand the challenge (but GASB is a subject for another day).

I wish you well, Keven, in your new endeavor as finance director with a community service board in Virginia and I sincerely hope our paths do cross again.




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