A new report has been created forย OpenRDAย and added to the Calendar and Fiscal Year reports menu. The Calendar Job Rate Monthly Summaries Report uses the Job Rate Calendar file (PAYJRCS). It sorts by Calendar Year, Position Class, and Position ID (options are provided on the range screen to not sort by class and/or by position). Units are shown for the employees’ jobs by calendar month. When Position Class is included in the sort, totals for the year (units and gross) are provided for the class. Hours Per Day for the Gross Identification assigned to the job are from either the Gross Identification/Definition (Position Tracking) or, if blocked, from the Job Master (Payroll). Hours per day for OpenRDA 101 customers are always maintained in the job master. Hours per day is relevant for employees paid using the DAILY UNIT rate so that hours worked (instead of days worked) can be determined. Amounts paid using the adjustment rates (rate contains ADJUST) and the LEAVE DOCKED rate identification can be excluded (skipped) if desired. Employees can be sorted by Personnel ID, Name, or Social Security Number. The range screen includes a Monthly Ranges tab so that you can range on monthly units and/or monthly gross.


Product Date:ย Tuesday, May 21, 2013

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