OpenRDA 4.0 Hits 25 Installation Milestone

25 years


OpenRDA 4.0, RDA’s browser based ERP software system for K12 & Local Government, is now in production at over 25 organizations.

See what the users have to say:

“It’s working great. The one thing I really like is that you can download your documents straight to your desktop. The ability to work at home has been great, It is very simple.” – Gary @ Rappahannock

“ Works great! It is easy to maneuver, and very user friendly! It was an easy transition!’ – Jody @ United

“It’s very good! I like that I can print to any printer I want! Setup went very well. it’s very user friendly and there’s not a lot of differences. It’s nice you can sit anywhere and use RDA! I would recommend it to anyone! It is easy!” –  Anne @ Northern Neck

More Testimonials

Contact Mimi English @ RDA if you are interested in learning more about OpenRDA 4.0 (mvenglish@openrda.com, 800-338-4984)


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