The Add Direct Vouchers process has been modified to facilitate entry of pre-paid expense. Pre-paid expense vouchers are ones that are due in one fiscal
The Add Direct Vouchers process has been modified to facilitate entry of pre-paid expense. Pre-paid expense vouchers are ones that are due in one fiscal
When creating PO Vouchers (via Vendor Payments module), any Comments from the PO Master will display on the PO Comments tab of the Add Purchase
The Position Personnel Report by EEO Class has been modified to allow optional sort by Work Location; to include gender and ethnicity (as well as
A report has been created for OpenRDA and added to the suite of Employee Lists reports in the Personnel module. The Employee Phone List report
The Certification Points Transcript Report has been modified to allow additional range and selection options. This Recertification Transcript uses the Certification Points (PERCPTS) file and
The VEC iFILE report has been modified so that the calendar quarter and year are encrypted into the file name. This will allow a file
The Make Transactions process (and its audit trail, if using) have been moved from the Start tab to the Continue tab. This allows more room
Monthly reporting of wages starts in 2013 on a phased-in basis and applies to Illinois employers having 25 or more employees. These reports must be
Screen defaults (rda) have been established that reflect 2013 as the calendar year, 6.2 for the Employee and Employer FICA rate, and FICA Gross Threshold
A new menu option has been added to the Finish tab for OpenRDA’s Payroll task bar. The reports listed under Final Validation Reports should be
Processes have been created so that OpenRDA organizations using Wells Fargo Bank can produce positive pay files for issued checks. Visibility of the process on
The Employees without Deductions report has been modified to allow ranging on W2 Type. The W2 Type will also display on the report. W2 Type
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