Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On March 18th, President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act  into law (hereafter referred to as the act). This act gives employees paid sick and leave time in response to the COVID-19 virus. This act also provides for employer tax credits to pay for the additional paid sick and leave time. The Treasury Department has up to 15 days after the act was enacted to publish guidelines on how the act is to be implemented. This blog may be updated once those guidelines have been published.

Important Notes:

New Leave IDs

You may need New Leave IDs set up to track the time that your employees may need to take due to COVID-19.

  • COVID-19
  • COVID Sick 
  • COVID Other 
  • COVID Family 

New Gross IDs

You may need New Gross IDs set up to track the pay that they will receive if they are out due to COVID-19.

  • COVID-19
  • COVID Sick

Note: If you do set up new GROSS IDs, you will also need to have a RATE ID. This can be done by copy from one gross id to another. 

Note: It would be best practice to run these payouts through a separate Pay Master Id – to identify wages for the tax credit.  You can run payroll reports by Pay ID.

What should I do now?

  1. Effective date of the new law is April 1, 2020.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the act.
  3. Create new Leave IDs if needed.
  4. Create new Gross IDs if needed.

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