Have you booked your demo?

Have you booked your demo?

If you haven’t booked your demo of RDA’s newest version of ESS 2.0, there’s no better time than now!

Some of the highlights of ESS 2.0 are…

Personal Information Management (PIM)ย 

  • Employees can update their own info, download documents, and more
  • Share and distribute information easily
  • Post documents online
  • Display current leave balances

Time Clock

  • Allow employees to “virtually” punch online time cards
  • Electronically submit time sheets
  • Eliminates need to manually key in payroll entries

Leave Management

  • Employees can input leave requests online
  • Online approval process
  • Eliminates manual data entries

The technology is here. A fully integrated system saves you time and money while providing your staff and employees a better work experience.


Contact us for a demo and more information!

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