RDA Software & IT Newsletter

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Stay Informed about Software and IT Advances that Could Impact Your Organization

Join our community of thousands of school districts and municipalities who get monthly access to RDA’s Software & IT Newsletter that helps them with their IT-related decision-making.

  • Get monthly articles related to your work
  • Find out about advances in technology that could impact your organization
  • Learn about trends in technology that could make your work easier.
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Stay Informed about Software and Technology Advances that Could Impact Your Organization​

Join our community of thousands of school districts and municipalities who get monthly access to RDA’s Software & IT Newsletter that helps them with their IT-related decision-making.

  • Get monthly articles related to your work
  • Find out about advances in technology that could impact your organization
  • Learn about trends in technology that could make your work easier.

RDA's Software & IT Newsletter: Your Best Source for Small Municipality and School District IT & Software News

Keep your organization in the know.

Our monthly software & IT Newsletter will quickly become a source that you’ll read, share and re-read.  With relevant articles, Q&A, and information about webinars, events and videos, you will have everything you need to set yourself up as a technology leader in your department.

Sign up below to get started today!

Join 1000's of School Districts and Municipalities. Get RDA's Software & IT Newsletter.

Contact Me

RDA Systems - Your Trusted Partner in Secure Cloud ERP Systems.

RDA Systems, Inc. is a successful multi-generational software and consulting company that specifically caters to small schools, towns, and counties. Our US-based team focuses on quality, modern and secure cloud-based software, and excellent client services.

Contact us for a complimentary demonstration of our work and how cloud technology can work for your organization.

Contact Us

Telephone (Local): 770-479-7933
Telephone (Toll Free): 800-338-4984

PO Box 190
Canton, Georgia 30169