The decorated form used for printing Purchase Orders from OpenRDA has been enhanced with an easier to read format. Changes include moving the PO # and Date to the top, right-hand corner of the Purchase Order (for prominence). The column headings (Quantity, Unit Price, and Amount) are shaded with each column separated with a gridline. Additionally, if your organization uses the PO Certification Statement, it will print in a smaller font (so that more information can be included without overflowing into a second page).
Please send a cyber-support request to RDA once programs are downloaded. You will receive the Code of the Day and instructions on how to download this new Purchase Order form.
Release notes for 4.1.4-46711 2025 Federal tax tables and deductions updates 2025 FICA and FICA-M wage and withholding limit updated 2024 1094/1095 B/C electronic filing...