Update and Quick Tour of OpenRDA 4.0

Great progress is being made on the latest release of OpenRDA. ย This latest release, OpenRDA 4.0, is a browser based version of the popular OpenRDA product line. ย  The OpenRDA 4.0 Pre Release Program is scheduled for March. ย We expect the General Release Update to be available in Q2 2014.

Below is a quick video tour of OpenRDA 4.0

OpenRDA 4.0 Quick Tour from OpenRDA on Vimeo.

To enlarge the screen, click on the Enlarge Screen icon (the small box next to the word Vimeo)

Also in this release:

  • Module Audit Report – This reports on all edits and changes in a module over a certain time period (Example: A listing of all changes in Payroll since my last payroll run.)
  • Faster processing of archives and print to screen of very large reports(10-100 times faster)
  • Design Improvements including colors, fonts, spacing & animation – The goal is toย Simplifyย processes by taking advantage of the rich html environment.

You can find our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page by clicking here.

Your comments and thoughts are always valued and appreciated. ย If you have questions or would like more information, please contact me. ย (dedavis@rdasys.com, 770 906 4950)

Dave Davis

6 thoughts on “Update and Quick Tour of OpenRDA 4.0”

  1. Hi Dave,
    Looks interesting. One question…you said no more core http://ftp…that is how I do my direct deposits to upload to the bank….would I still do that or is their a different procedure with 4.0? When is the start date for 4.0 as we are going live with AESOP March 17th and will need to coordinate with that, and is this new version compatible with AESOP? I will send a cyber support with these questions as well. Have a great day.

    • Sue:

      Great questions.

      Coreftp & direct deposit file – You will save the direct deposit file to your desktop computer (without needing coreftp) and then upload it to the bank. Saving to your desktop is just like saving any download from the internet.
      Aesop – OpenRDA 4.0 will be compatible with AESOP.

      Thank you!!

  2. Dave – OpenRDA 4.0 looks great! It looks like you all have done a fantastic job with the new program and we can’t wait till it’s available! Kristi

  3. Currently we have to download programs and run new updates when they are available. Will we have to continue this process or will updates be made automatically in the new system by RDA?

    • Lannie:

      Good question. The simple answer is yes there will be regular program releases and yes updates will need to be processed. Who does what and when depends on a few of things. First, is RDA hosting your site? The alternative is for you or your tech team to host the site. Second, many users like to have a say when updates are processed. If we are hosting, we can load the new programs for you automagically. We can discuss and agree on how to handle or schedule processing the updates.

      Let me know if you have other questions.

      Dave Davis


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