The Vendor Withholding Advice report has been modified so that ranging on pay identification uses lists (instead of an input fields). Only pay masters that have not been marked as historical will display in the lists. For records to select, Pay Withholding and Liability must be true (on) for the deduction. This report can be printed and attached to vendor withholding checks/transmittals to provide more detailed information to the vendor (for example, case number or account number from the employee’s deduction master). Deduction Descriptions for which such advice should normally be created can have the VW Advice flag turned on/checked to facilitate running this report in mass (on the maintain screen of the deduction description below the vendor’s address). For security purposes, only the last 4 digits of social security numbers will print.
How to Prioritize Technology Investment to Maximize Efficiency and Cost Savings
For school districts and local governments, every dollar counts. Tight budgets, growing demands for efficient services, and the pressure to modernize can make technology investments...