If you have downloaded 12/03/15 programs and run your Payroll updates, you should see Form 1095-C (and also Form 1095-B, if the Self Insured Organization GSV is flagged in your setup), as well as links to Forms 1094-B & 1094-C, under Other > 1095 Setup in the Payroll module.
While you are now able to print the 1095 forms, please note that there is currently no sorting capability; the only sort of employee forms is by Personnel ID. In a January release, there will be sort options available, including a Sort by Location, as there is for W-2’s.
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That release will also include an automatic archiving of the forms. If you choose to run the forms prior to that release, we highly recommend that you manually auto archive them, so they are saved to E-Documents, which will enable you to reprint individual forms if necessary. Keep in mind that the filing deadline for paper forms is February 29th.
If you signed up for RDA’s Print Service, you should wait until the mid-January program release before running forms. Print Service instructions will be made available at that time.
Electronic filing functionality will be included in a release in early to mid-January. Remember that electronic files are due by March 31st.
An Online 1095 Wiki will be available as a step-by-step reference as you prepare to run your 1095 forms.
As always, please submit a cyber support request if you have any questions.