New Reports (That You May Recognize)

image courtesy of samarttiw/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Today’s blog posting is for all of our customers who upgraded to OpenRDA from MBGUI. Two rather popular reports in MBGUI’s payroll module were theย Year to Date Reportย and theย Payroll History Summary Report. For the upcoming release, you’ll see two comparable reports (not exactly the same as that isn’t possible due to the significant file differences). Now, isn’t that dandy?

Theย Calendar Year, Gross, Net and Taxย report will be accessed from the Calendar and Fiscal Year Reports anchor. Theย Gross, Net, and Tax Amounts by Pay Dateย report will be accessed from the Deduction Reports anchor. ย Even if your organization didn’t upgrade from MBGUI, I believe you’ll find the reports useful. Both were somewhat challenging reports to write, but I do love a challenge and I also enjoy helping our customers.



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