New OpenRDA 4.0 Programs release version 4.0.58-
- A new worksheet report (Detail Expenditure Worksheet) was released that allows for a side by side view year to date for account codes
- A new expenditure detail report that exports into Excel for further analysis
- New import process from excel to budget prep
- Adding new fields to define list queries
- Changes to deleting a receipt if “bank rec updated” has not been undone
- Making receipt “update bank rec” a restrictive process
- A fix for “Use default Journal Codes” for Balance sheet Journal Entries
- Changing of several export reports from TSV files to CSVย
- Adjusted range screen instructions on several report screens
- Allowing for vendor payment board report to show amounts in the millions of dollars (increased number of digits)
- Creating an error for two different funds being posted to on an intrafund journal entry
- Correct to view on the GAPARIS report
- Adding Coverage start date to the SHBP AUF file
- Changes to CPI 2021 file layout
- Added rates to the total select payroll report
- Improvements and corrections to several year end processes
- Improvements to Financial Management and Vendor Payments combined processes reports and home screens
- A new Journal entry import w/ account translation process