Announcement – Phyllis Flowers

As many of you know, Phyllis has been planning to open her own consulting business as she approached retirement from RDA. The timeline for that transition has moved up and Phyllis is now working as an independent consultant. ย Her new email address is phyllis.flowers@gmail.com.

Phyllis was an integral part of our development of products and services for a long time. We thank her for her many contributions over the years and look forward to continuing to work with her in her new venture. ย We wish her the best of success in all that she puts her hands to do.

5 thoughts on “Announcement – Phyllis Flowers”

  1. Dave,
    Thank you for letting us know how to get in touch with Phyllis. I’ve worked with her for many years, and I hate to see her leave. She will be missed. It will be nice to be able to keep in touch with her.

  2. I can’t imagine not having Phyllis to call or email. Her knowledge is remarkable, and I will sure miss her. When others spent days, even weeks trying to solve our problems, Phyllis could fix it in a flash.
    Truly sorry to hear she has left RDA.

    • Linda:

      Yes, Phyllis has been a integral part of RDA for many years. While she is no longer an employee with RDA, as a consultant, there will be many opportunities for us to work together.

      Dave Davis


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