Annual School Report Module
RDA is ready to release an all new module to help Virginia school systems with the Annual School Report (VA ASRFIN).
This new module creates a formatted text file ready to upload to the state, saving you hours of manual data entry and calculations. Key features of the module include:
- Automatically populating the expenditure, revenue and balance sections and reports.
- The ability to track and populate FTE positions at the cost center, function, and object level for a given year.
- User friendly set up for account mapping structure.
- Standard reports that enable ranging on similar accounts to categorize in mass (for example, all account codes for XYZ Elementary school should be location “020”)
Our support team will work with you to complete the initial setup in year one. Each subsequent year, running your Annual School Report file is as easy as 1,2,3!
- Run the included reports to check for new accounts that were not used in the previous year (categorize each of the new accounts in the mapping table).
- Run the process to generate the output file. You have the option to run one combined output file (recommended method) or you can run the balance sheet, revenue, expenses, and FTE files separately.
- Review the output file and submit!
We understand deadlines can be stressful. We are here to help. Please get in touch soon if you are interested in adding the ASR module in time for 2021 reporting.
[ut_btn font_weight=”” button_text=”CLICK HERE TO BE ADDED TO OUR CONTACT LIST FOR ASR DEMOS” button_link=”|||” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_background=”#4e4663″ button_text_color_hover=”#ffffff” button_background_hover=”#62be71″]