Group Defaults have been created for the Archive (F.A.S.T.) module via expressions that use the archive’s file name. This will allow archived documents from the same process to be grouped and displayed in the Archives browse screen (which we believe will make location of the archives easier and quicker). To use, access the Archives Search Browse. Click the Reset Group Defaults button. The RDA-defined group defaults have a prefix of RDA. Select the desired group default. For example, select RDA-DISTRIBUTION to display archives that result from distribution processes. Some of these defaults cross modules; however, the module’s filing cabinet will only display archives for that module.
6 Infrastructure Upgrades for K-12 Schools and Local Governments
6 Infrastructure Upgrades Needed to Support Emerging Technologies in K-12 School Districts and Local Governments In today’s fast-paced digital age, K-12 school districts, and local...