Backups, Disaster Recovery & Security – Wrap Up

In this last installment we will wrap up our discussions on Backups, Disaster Recovery and Security in relation to your RDA system. Here are links to installment #1,ย  #2,ย  #3 and #4.ย ย ย 

I hope this series has been informative and helpful. I appreciate these topics are not part of your daily operations. However, I feel they are important and, as good stewards, we need to review them from time to time. 

In regards to your system, I feel we have checked most of the boxes pertaining to Backups and Security Risks. The one area I would like to explore further with you is that of disaster recovery plans.  Watch for another post coming soon discussing Disaster Recovery options with RDA.

A quick recap of previous posts: 


RDA backs up your data every night and stores the data backup file in a secure data center on the west coast. When needed, a data backup file can be manually restored to your existing cloud server. 

Disaster Recovery Plan

A plan to restore an organization to normal operations from a catastrophic infrastructure failure or crippling security breach.

Security Risks

Physical and Cyber risks can be reduced via:

  • Critical applications in the Cloud
  • Strong password management
  • Flexible application security
  • Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan 

Thank you for joining us on this important journey. We only scratched the surface on these topics.  Prayerfully, it has been enough to start discussions on your end as to what is best for your organization.  

If you would like to learn more about the these topics, please contact Mimi English (mvenglish@rdasys.com)

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