Looking to the Future

image courtesy of Gualberto107/freedigitalphotos.net

For almost 20 years, I have been doing my best to help RDA Systems realize its dreams. ย From MicroBudget (MB) to MB+ to Xpert and MBGUI and, now, OpenRDA. From blonde to auburn to blonde ย to gray, back to auburn and now blonde again. From a client (in the mid 80s to mid 90s); from sales to trainer; to managing training; to managing support and training; while also writing reports for mining data, exports, imports, files, screens, and processes with lots of product design mixed in; and now to “knowledge coach” (working with our Support and Training Team) and “product owner” (working with our Development Team and Scrum Master). What an odyssey. I will be forever thankful for everyone who has helped me along the way. And, while I may not have been able to commit to my hair color, my commitment to RDA Systems and its customers has never been in doubt.

Now, it’s almost time for me to realize my dreams of having my own consulting (best practices and fund accounting) business (as well as to slow down to perhaps a 40-hour week instead of 60 to 70!). ย The coming year will be the end of an amazing journey; but I believe that 2015 will provide another one. Because, in the words of Bill Crosby,ย I’m not finished yet.ย 

So, follow me in 2014 as I continue bringing you flowers; taking you into Open spaces as well as into the nooks and crannies of OpenRDA. Happy New Year, my friends.



6 thoughts on “Looking to the Future”

    • Thanks “little” Donna. I have so much enjoyed working with all of you at Halifax County Schools. And, I hope that I can continue to help your team in 2014.

      Happy New Year!


  1. May you have a wonderful 2014 and an even more adventurous 2015 and beyond. Thanks for all your help over the years. You will be truly missed.


  2. Phyllis,

    I cannot believe that I have been associated with you and RDA for eighteen years. It has always been a pleasure to train with you on RDA and you have always been a great teacher. I wish for you great success in your new career. I hope that you will keep in touch.


    • Thanks, Linda. Time does fly when you’re learning and having fun, doesn’t it? I look forward to continuing to work with you and the City of Chamblee team in 2014.



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