Programs Release: 04/02/2013

OpenRDA/Xpert programs have been released to our website for downloading and installing. These programs have a compiled and released date of 04/01/2013 (Personnel and Leave management, 04/02/2013). Full release notes are available from Product Announcements (accessed via Help; product announcements can be sorted by category, module, and product date). Highlights of this month’s release are (click the article title to read more):

Last Modified fields in Personnel Demographics?_(fields are at the top of the maintain screen and are not editable as the various processes, including saving the personnel demographics record, will update these).
New fields in Medical/Worker Comp History file (Date Notified HR, Date Submitted to WC, and Reportable).
New fields in Family Leave file (Anticipated Return Date, First Day of FMLA, and Total Days Used).
Modification of the Citizenship fields in Personnel Demographics (to correspond to the I-9 form).
Remove from Budget (a one-step process to completely remove an employee/vacancy from a Budget Prep payroll regardless of where this employee/vacancy is in the budget process).
Vendor Payments Enhancements (a voucher report accessed from the vendor’s calendar year master; a voucher report accessed from the vendor’s fiscal year master based on the clear fiscal year; modification of the Uncleared Checks/EFTs report so that errors that will prevent check or EFT numbers from assigning are displayed; an EFT report accessed from the vendor’s voucher file; a new field in the vendor’s address file that would be applicable to electronic vendors for Request Printed Transmittal).

Click for Product Announcements. Once on the Product Announcements page, change the RDA Category to the desired one and/or to the desired Module. The Start Date for the product announcements defaults to three months before the current calendar date but can be changed as needed/desired so that you’re seeing less (or more) announcements.

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