Budget Preparation

Image credit: phanumassu / 123RF Stock Photo


Let’s talk budgets. Often, I don’t believe that OpenRDA’s Budget Preparation module gets the respect it deserves. Not trying to imitate the late (and great) Rodney Dangerfield, but . . .

In a blog posting from last October, I quoted a finance director ( “it took him awhile to realize that any software that was powerful enough to handle the complexities of a school system couldn’t be simple”). ย Make no mistake, RDA’s Budget Prep module is powerful for local governments as well as school systems. ย And, it was recently enhanced to have even more comparison reports (for the financial component as well as the payroll component). The Budget Report by Reference Type is illustrated below (requires the use of reference types as well as use of the same budget identification for estimated revenues and appropriations) and the Budget Statement by Fund (my personal favorite; but it does requires establishment of fund definitions in Financial Management).

How do you spell Budget Prep? How about R-E-S-P-E-C-T? (yes, I know, sounding a little bit like the great, but not late, Aretha Franklin).




Budget Report by Reference Type-Estimated Revenues





Budget Report by Reference Type-Appropriations


Budget Statement by Fund

1 thought on “Budget Preparation”

  1. Love the budget prep module. Although I’m happy the heat of budget time is only once a year. I would like more opportunities to work with it. Unlike Financial Management and Bank Reconciliation, limited use of the budget prep module makes it difficult to see how powerful of a tool it is. Starting the budget earlier this year has given me more opportunity to do projections within the system rather than still trying to use excel for everything. Thank you Phyllis and RDA!


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