A new report has been created for OpenRDA and added to the Calendar and Fiscal Year reports. The Calendar Year Gross, Net, and Tax Amounts Report uses the personnel calendar (PAYPCSM) and deduction calendar (PAYDCSM) files. Shown in the report are gross, net, and amounts withheld for federal, state, FICA, and medicare taxes. The last column represents all other withheld deductions (excluding direct deposits). Calendar totals include all payrolls for the calendar year that have been updated to history at the time this report is executed. Employees can be sorted by personnel ID, name, or social security number. In addition to the sort options, the report allows the user to select which identifier displays. Customers who upgraded to OpenRDA from MBGUI will find that it produces results similar to the payroll register summary report except that this OpenRDA report is on quarter or calendar year basis (not payroll date).
6 Essential Infrastructure Upgrades for Schools and Local Governments
In today’s fast-paced digital age, K-12 school districts and local governments need to stay ahead of the curve by investing in solid infrastructure upgrades. These...