Financial Transparency with Clear Breeze

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RDA adds Clear Breeze to its Product Suite!

Web-based, interactive financial transparency is getting quite a bit of attention these days at the federal, state and local levels. The huge influx of VC capital in companies like OpenGov is in response to market demand.

Early in his first term, President Obama executed a Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Department and Agencies in which he states:

โ€œGovernment should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing.โ€

Having started at the Federal level with the implementation of Data Gov, many State and Local governments are now mandating the need to share data more freely. Virginia created Commonwealth Data Point. Georgia recently passed HB 659 mandating transparency among its K12 schools and school districts. Freedom of Information Acts are being adopted in many states allowing constituents access to public records within their localities.

Below are 3 key points for successful local government financial transparency:

  • Automagically integrate with your current financial system for ease of use.
  • Use dynamic, yet clear, simple, interactive charts and tables to encourage constituent engagement.
  • Choose software as a service for a quick and easy implementation.

RDA offers Clear Breeze as a simple solution to make implementing financial transparency a Breeze!

RDA Systems, Inc., has been providing local governments with ERP software since 1980. RDA’s Clear Breeze Transparency Module is a simple solution for communicating with constituents. Clear Breeze integrates with existing legacy and other newer ERP systems.


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