The Combined Budget Report has been modified so that the fiscal year and budget identification are selected on a separate screen. Once the execute button is engaged on this screen, the range screen for the report will display. This change not only allows use of the default budget year (from the taskbar), but it will allow you to save screen defaults (personal, site, or group) for the desired range levels, etc. Only budget identifications for the selected fiscal year will appear in the browse.
This report will show appropriations and estimated revenues for the selected budget identification. Appropriately named budget identifications facilitate the use of the report (for example: REQUESTED BUDGET; RECOMMENDED BUDGET; APPROVED BUDGET). There is never a need to incorporate the fiscal year in the name of the budget identification as the fiscal year is automatically a component of all budgets. If you wish to create a tab-delimited file in E-Documents (as well as in the xpert directory), set flags once the report is viewed/printed. Please review the Report Description tab of the range screen for the fields included in the file. When the option (on the Select and Range tab) for including fund summary totals is elected, the file will also include fiscal year, budget identification, fund number and description, total estimated revenues, total appropriations, and use of fund balance (at the fund level). The use of fund balance cannot be accurate, of course, unless the budget identification for appropriations and estimated revenues for the fiscal year is the same. This use of fund balance is needed in establishing assigned fund balance in Financial Management.
Release notes for release 4.1.3-46568: 2024 W2 forms and reports and related changes ย 2024 1099 Forms and reports to print 2024 1095 B/C Forms and...