Processes that create files and include a field on the range screen for a File Name will now have a Filename (Create/Export) button so that you can indicate the directory in which you wish the file to create. The Create this File screen will display the directories (folders); opening the desired folder will cause the file to create in that location. This resource also has the customary buttons for going back or up to another directory level, creating a new folder, and List View or Detail View (Name, Type, Date/Time, Attributes). Either enter the desired file name before clicking the file name button; or enter the file name on the Create this file screen before engaging the Save button. If you do not select a directory, the file will continue to create in the xpert directory.

Release notes for 4.1.4-46711 2025 Federal tax tables and deductions updates 2025 FICA and FICA-M wage and withholding limit updated 2024 1094/1095 B/C electronic filing...