The decorated form used for printing Purchase Orders from OpenRDA has been enhanced with an easier to read format. Changes include moving the PO # and Date to the top, right-hand corner of the Purchase Order (for prominence). The column headings (Quantity, Unit Price, and Amount) are shaded with each column separated with a gridline. Additionally, if your organization uses the PO Certification Statement, it will print in a smaller font (so that more information can be included without overflowing into a second page).
Please send a Cybersupport request to RDA once programs (12/6 compile date) have been downloaded. You will receive the Code of the Day and instructions on how to download this new Purchase Order form.
Release notes for release 4.1.2-46330, compiled 9/5 Added Job Description to Job Fiscal Summary Define List Dynamic End Dates on Deductions working properly An undo...