The Email Log (msmtp.log) is available from OpenRDA’s Help menu (on the Resource Bar). Instead of displaying in a text browser, the log has been changed to use viewpdf. This provides search features (should you need to search for a particular email address, for example). Because edits are not applicable to viewpdf (i.e., you cannot highlight and delete as you can in text browser mode), a process for truncating (purging) the log file has also been added. This is done at your discretion. Also, until an email is actually sent by you from OpenRDA, your email log file is empty. This means that there is no response from clicking the button (as a log must exist in order for viewpdf to open). For that reason, the truncate function provides a message as to when the log was truncated so that the file will not be empty.
6 Essential Infrastructure Upgrades for Schools and Local Governments
In today’s fast-paced digital age, K-12 school districts and local governments need to stay ahead of the curve by investing in solid infrastructure upgrades. These...