Inclement Weather Forecast Canton, GA

Forecasts are calling for a significant winter weather event in the north Atlanta metro area over the next 48 hours.

Ice and snow on the roads will not stop us from serving you. ย We are able to work from home via the internet. ย However, if we experience a significant ice storm, our ability to serve you will be severely challenged. ย Power outages usually accompany ice storms as trees and limbs freeze and fall upon power lines. ย Without power, the RDA team cannot use computers to access the internet. ย If we are without internet service, our fall back plan is the use of smart phones. ย  I ask for your patience as it will take us a little longer to resolve help desk tickets using only smart phones. ย We will respond to every ticket or call as quickly as we can.

I will update via this blog as the situation unfolds and let you know your best options for obtaining help desk support.

Thank you!

Dave Davis

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