Inclement Weather in Canton, GA


A winter storm blew through Canton today. ย  Brrrrr. ย The RDA team left the Canton office late this morning heading for home. ย We are prepared for emergencies such as this to continue our work from home. ย Because of the roads and traffic, what normally takes 15-30 minutes for everyone to get home took 1.5 to 3 hours. ย  Folks in metro Atlanta do not do snow driving very well. ย As I pen this note, there are a couple that have not yet made it home.

We expect freezing temperatures tonight and another inch of snow. Our plan is to work from home tomorrow (Wednesday). ย We will be available to handle your helpdesk tickets and support requests. ย The 800 number, cybersupport and email should be operational. ย Some scheduled services like training may need to be postponed. ย If you have trouble getting help, please contact me on my cell phone. ย (text / voice – 770 906 4950)

Thank you for your patience and prayers.

Dave Davis

2 thoughts on “Inclement Weather in Canton, GA”

  1. We have been hit with freezing temperatures and snow for the last couple of weeks. Take care and keep warm. Thanks for giving us an update in regard to cybersupport. Janice Beahm


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