Due to continued winter weather conditions,ย the RDA Customer Care team will be WFH (working from home) again today. ย The Team may be operating with limited electricity and ย access to the internet. ย You can use Cybersupport, email (support@rdasys.com) or the phone (800-338-4984) to make your requests known. ย We will get to every request as quickly as we can. ย Thank you in advance for your patience.
We are drinking our own kool-aide. ย Our primary server for Customer Care is now in the cloud. ย Not much will change for you. ย Some of you have special firewall settings that we will require attention on a case by case basis. ย If you submit a request for help via Cybersupport and have not heard from us in 3 hours, please followup with a phone call or email.
As the situation unfolds, updates will be posted via this blog.
Thank you.
Dave Davis