Independence Day 2020

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On July 2, 1776, our founding fathers began writing a letter to King George to let the monarchy know that we would no longer accept tyrannical rule. Congress approved the final draft two days later and declared the American colonies free and independent states. On this 244th year of Independence, our nation is experiencing trying times, but they are times that we can get through together. There are two verses that can be looked back on during these times, as our nation is divided along many lines. We can work together to be stronger and strive to be Theย Unitedย States of America.
Proverbs 24:17 says โ€œDo not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumblesโ€. We owe it to ourselves to work together to achieve our highest calling and greatest successes. Not just as individuals, but as a nation of unity.

John 8:36 โ€œSo if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.โ€ Freedom comes in many forms. Spiritual freedom is the greatest of them all. The Lord will release all of those who believe from the bondages of sin when the time comes. We live in a free country that allows us to practice our love of the Savior, and that love will set us free.


This week, we encourage you to do something kind for a neighbor. Letโ€™s celebrate the American Spirit that binds us all together as one nation under God and show everyone what makes this country so special!

Our office will be closed on July 3 to celebrate America’s Independence Day.

The RDA Team!!







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