A monthly revenue activity report with beginning balances has been created for??OpenRDA. This report shows Revenue Activity (Estimated Revenue and Revenue) for the selected fiscal period along with the beginning balance for the account and the ending balance. Other data fields include Fiscal Period (Year/Month), Posted Status, Posted Date, Entry Date (Affect Date when the organization is using that feature), Transaction Number, Source user, Comments, and Source Archive. Use??the Total by Account option (from the Select and Sort tab) to show totals for the revenue account code (otherwise, totals will be for the dimensions included in the Optional Sort Levels). The Total by Account option should always be used when all dimensions are not included in the Optional Sort Levels.
How to Prioritize Technology Investment to Maximize Efficiency and Cost Savings
For school districts and local governments, every dollar counts. Tight budgets, growing demands for efficient services, and the pressure to modernize can make technology investments...