OpenRDA 4.0 Status and Future Plans

Two VA school districts have completed initial OpenRDA 4.0 Pre Release Testing.

Thank you to Jayne & Mitzi @ Appomattox County Schools. ย We learned a great deal working with them. ย With help from their system administrator, we were able to quickly work through some start up issues to support faster internet throughput.

Lesson Learned #1 – Check internet speeds from each workstation as part of pre installation phase.

With good internet speeds, testing proved positive. ย Navigation was very much like OpenRDA 3.0. ย Processes behaved as expected. ย Data integrity was solid. ย The ladies shared that the font was not as crisp as OpenRDA 3.0 and the new button icons were too small and often times difficult to distinguish one from the other. ย We are discussing both with our designer. ย ย This is great feedback. ย Again, thank you ladies!!

A big thanks to Kristi at Mathews County Schools. ย Mathews is located on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. ย Kristi ran the software through her processes with very good success. ย ย Two anomalies she experienced were with outputting some reports to csv and a default fiscal year in Add Leave/Substitutes. ย Otherwise, everything went very well. ย She liked the fonts, colors and shading. ย She had the same impression on the button icons as the ladies at Appomattox. ย Desired outcome were achieved in each of her tests. ย Speed and performance were not an issue even with their internet provider experiencing some outages in the area. ย Kristi recommends OpenRDA 4.0 to other RDA users and prospective RDA users.

On Monday September 22 we rolled out another OpenRDA 4.0 Pre Release Site – City of Chamblee, GA and another is scheduled for Wednesday October 1 – Pierce County Schools, GA. ย This will bring the total number of Pre Release Sites to seven. Yay!! ย Stay tuned for more updates.ย 

A Long Look Into The Future

It is our passion to help you get more things done and make it enjoyable. ย Over the past 34 years MicroBudget, Xpert, MicroBudget-GUI and OpenRDA have served very well. ย ย Xpert, the foundation of OpenRDA, has been in production since the mid 1990โ€™s. ย Much has changed over the years. ย We feel it is time for a clean sheet redesign. ย It will take time. ย Maybe years. ย At some point we will ask for your help. In the end, it will be worth it. Initially, we will work on the Revenue Modules used by Treasurers, Commissioners of the Revenue, Tax Commissioners, Trustees and other local government departments. ย You will hear more from us as we progress on this exciting new project.

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