OpenRDA 4.0 Go Live

Big News!!!

Kristi and Stephanie at Mathews County Schools are are the first to go live with OpenRDA 4.0.

Mathews was the third participant in the OpenRDA 4.0 Pre Release program. Working on OpenRDA 4.0 in the cloud, Kristi and Stephanie worked diligently to test their processes. ย As expected, they uncovered some items that RDA addressed and corrected. ย The ladies were very impressed with the results of the Pre Release testing.

Though the Pre Release Program is not fully complete, Kristi and Stephanie were ready to move forward with live operations. They felt very comfortable with the software meeting their needs and achieving their desired results.

Bill Vrooman, Technology Coordinator at Mathews County Schools, is a big fan of the cloud and fully supports OpenRDA 4.0 in the cloud.

The team at RDA want to thank Kristi and Stephanie for their diligent work and efforts. ย Their input and feedback was invaluable as we prepare OpenRDA 4.0 for general release. ย We know they are busy and appreciate the time they invested in bringing this product to their peers. ย Thank you!

For information on updating to OpenRDA 4.0, please contact Mimi English.

Comments from Kristi:

RDA has done a fantastic job with OpenRDA 4.0, it is a seamless transition from 3.0. It is a very intuitive system and has integrated new features that make getting our jobs done much easier! The csv function, straight to a spreadsheet, is an awesome feature that makes it easy to work with your reports. This is especially important during our audits. The ability to print to any printer, save documents straight to your computer and no longer maintaining a separate server frees you up to be able to work from anywhere. No longer maintaining separate equipment will definitely save us time and money too. The support offered from the RDA team during the transition from 3.0 to 4.0 was amazing, they were there every step of the way answering every question thoroughly and making sure every function worked flawlessly for us. We are excited to be a part of this important step for OpenRDA, you have done an outstanding job with 4.0 and we look forward to continuing to work with the program!

We really appreciate all the patient support provided by Anniece, Stacy & Matthew – especially the times when something worked and we didn’t realize it was working! They do an outstanding job and should be commended for how well they treat people!

Comments from Stephanie:

Thank you for everything the RDA team has done to get us up and running with 4.0. ย Stacy and Robert have been great to work with during this transition! ย I ran my first set of bills yesterday after going live and everything ran smoothly. ย I am very excited about being able to log in to RDA from anywhere. ย Prior to 4.0, working from home was very difficult since I could only log in to RDA at work. ย Now if the need arises I can log in to RDA from my home and finish tasks I didn’t have time to complete at work. ย This will be such a time saver!! ย The ability to work from anywhere on OpenRDA 4.0 will also be very beneficial if we should ever have inclement weather and are unable to get to the office but need to complete payroll or bills.

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