Payroll: ACA Reporting

Draft 1095-C FormNew Payroll Reporting Forms for 2016

Beginning in 2016, two forms will be required for the 2015 calendar year in connection with ACA reporting: the 1094-C (Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns) and 1095-C (Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage).

  • The 1095-C is a form that will have to be distributed to each employee after year end, along with Form W-2. The 1095-C will be available in RDA in a future program release, in paper and electronic format.
  • The 1094-C is a summary of the information on Forms 1095-C, and provides full-time (benefit-eligible) employee counts.  Similar to the W3, this is an employer control form and will not be added in RDA.

Enhancements Released on 12/15/2014

In order to gather information that’s required on these forms, we have created the following enhancements in OpenRDA which are available in the programs released 12/15/2014:

  • A Group Health Insurance boolean and corresponding Date field on the Benefits tab in Personnel Demographics, so that benefits-eligible employees can be flagged
  • A drop-down Code field on the Benefits tab in Personnel Demographics and Add Personnel, so each eligible employee can be manually assigned the appropriate code as required; this code will be included in the Update Payroll History and Undo Update Payroll History processes and reports, and will be stored in the Personnel Calendar Summary
  • We strongly recommend that you complete the set up for Eligibility and Codes prior to the first payroll of 2015; otherwise, the option is to manually add them for any payrolls that run before the set up is complete.
  • A Lowest Health Coverage boolean on the Deduction Description Master Maintain Screen, so that the lowest coverage option offered to employees can be flagged
  • A Count boolean in the Personnel Calendar Summary, so that monthly eligibility for health insurance (i.e., full-time employee count) can be tracked automatically, and manually adjusted as necessary; the Update Payroll History and Undo Update Payroll History processes now automatically update the Count boolean
  • The Personnel Calendar Pay by Month Report (MONTHLYPAY RANGE SCREEN) has been modified to include eligibility count and codes per month
  • A Self Insured GSV in Payroll to track those customers that are self-insured, since there is specific reporting for such employers
  • Access to Personnel Dependents Maintain Screen in order to track required dependent information and eligibility for coverage; all Enterprise customers already had this; any 101 customer that is self-insured will need to notify RDA, at which point, we will turn on the associated Dependent Bundle at no charge
  • The Job Pay Rate Units and Calendar Job Rate Monthly Summary reports have been modified to allow for a days-worked equivalent method to be used, instead of the default method of counting actual hours worked; customers that want to use the days-worked equivalent, whereby each employee is credited with 8 hours of service/day, should flag the boolean to round up units; the result will be that the Daily Unit amount will round up to the next whole number; for example, if an employee has 1.5 units, the report will round up to 2

101  Customers

RDA is currently making changes to 101 customers’ directories to facilitate the tracking of hours in payroll, which will determine which employees are full-time.  If you are a 101 customer, and we have not yet made these changes in your directory, know that we will do so in December, and will follow up with an email detailing the changes we made.  If you are an Enterprise customer, you are responsible for any changes needed to rates and Gross IDs, as you have access to the Position Tracking module.

If you have any questions, please submit a cyber support request.



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