Alice Maloney-Bell retired in 2006 after a career as a government finance manager in Delaware. Since then, sheโ€™s been working a variety of part-time jobs that have included kitchen design and home decorating, among others. One of her more interesting part-time positions was working for a monument company where she sold headstones and also designed the artwork on them. She said it was an honor to collaborate with the surviving family members in the design process to best represent the loved one who passed away.

Alice first became aware of RDA Systems in 2010 when she was hired part-time to do payroll and leave management at a Virginia school district that used RDAโ€™s software. After having that position for many years, the district decided to eliminate her position in 2020 and gave her a one-year notice. When RDA found out about her upcoming transition, they asked her to switch sides – from user to provider โ€“ and work for them. Alice said โ€œYesโ€ and began at RDA Systems in February of 2021 as a part-time Client Care Specialist.

Since then, she has thoroughly enjoyed her role even with the challenges she experienced as she shifted from one side of the desk to the other. When asked about her unique perspective of formerly using RDAs software and now having to be the point person to troubleshoot client problems, Alice stated, โ€œIt took a village! I had to learn a whole new programming and technical language to understand the backside of the software system. Iโ€™m thankful to RDAโ€™s staff for supporting me through that learning curve.โ€ย  ย Teamwork is definitely part of the RDA culture, and sheโ€™s very appreciative to not only receive it, but offer it as well.

Two of Aliceโ€™s proudest moments over the last two years at RDA are as follows:

1) She was so pleased the first time she was able to take a client ticket and solve it all by herself instead of reaching out to the RDA โ€œvillageโ€ and

2) When a client told her how much they appreciated her help and patience as she was troubleshooting a client issue. ย Alice continues to learn more and more about RDAโ€™s software to improve her client service performance. According to Alice, โ€œGreat clients deserve great client service!โ€

When RDA hired Alice, they had no idea that her cat, Beau, would become part of the RDA Systems family. As a remote employee, Alice works from home. Beau inevitably joins Aliceโ€™s client service calls and even talks to her clients at times. They love having Beau participate in their conversations with Alice, and even ask where Beau is when heโ€™s not visible. During the last RDA team meeting on Zoom, they were just about to start when everyone arrived. Then someone said, โ€œWait! Whereโ€™s Beau!โ€ย  They joyfully waited for him to become visible on the screen and then began their meeting.

Outside of her work at RDA, Alice loves to golf and is planning on dusting off her clubs to get back into the game.ย  For fun she enjoys going to the beach, reading historical novels, playing pickleball, and walking. She also looks for a really good cheeseburger joint when sheโ€™s out and about since itโ€™s one of her favorite foods. When asked to choose one person from any time period she would love to meet, Alice laughed and said she couldnโ€™t come up with just one because there are so many interesting people on earth that have done so many phenomenal things!

Three words that family or friends would use to describe Alice are helpful, patient and reliable. She has two mottos: โ€œAlways be a little kinder than necessaryโ€ and โ€˜Treat others as you would like to be treated.โ€ ย To be a good client service representative, in addition to having the knowledge base to help clients, Alice knows itโ€™s important to be respectful, kind, patient and understanding.

RDA Systems enjoys having Alice as part of their team and is pleased to include Beau as a bonus! They value her work ethic and can trust her with the care of all the RDA clients.

For the past 40+ years, RDA Systems has put its emphasis on service first. We build solid ERP Systems specially designed for small governments, with just what is needed and none of the fluff. We are committed to providing our clients with best-in-class service throughout the entire relationship and know that we are nothing without our clients.Learn more about what we do atย https://rdasystems.com.



  1. Alice is the best. She is always so patient and kind and goes the extra mile in teaching you about the system whenever she helps solve a ticket. I have learned so much from her and appreciate all the awesome customer service she has always given. She’s #1.

  2. We here in Stewart County LOVE Alice! She is always so willing to help with an issue and go the extra mile, injecting her wonderful sense of humor as well to make the experience that much better. Alice has been such a positive addition the RDA family, and Beau is just an extra benefit!


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