RDA Systems

image of apple buds courtesy of Hans/all-free-download.com

Some of you may have heard how I became part of the RDA Family back in the mid-80s. I’ve been an early adopter most of my life; always wanting the latest technology and often paying more than I should as a result. A couple of years after the famous Macintosh commercial “1984” during Super Bowl XVIII, I was using a Mac Plus computer in my job as a city clerk/treasurer. And, I loved it. But, our accounting software was on a dinosaur (big tower and what seemed like even bigger tape drives); and I didn’t like it at all. So, began my quest to find governmental accounting software that would work on a Mac.

My fellow city clerks grew accustomed to my taking my Mac SE (yes, I had already upgraded) to the annual conferences at UGA in Athens (seems really heavy now especially compared to my MacBook Air and iMac but, at the time, very portable; and not much heavier than my “bag phone”). Software vendors were often at the conferences and I was always asking if they had fund accounting software that would work on a Mac. Until I met Bob Davis and RDA Systems, the answer was always no (perhaps it was my imagination that the “no” was accompanied by a smirk). ย Shortly after that meeting, my city government purchased MicroBudget for me (which was originally named AppleBud; now, how ’bout them apples?).

And, so began my love affair with everything Mac as well as with RDA Systems. As the late Steve Jobs said,ย If you donโ€™t love something, youโ€™re not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, challenge the status quo as much.



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