A new report has been created for OpenRDA and added to the Detail Reports. The Receipts Report by Fiscal Year, Bank ID, and Account Type (revenue, expenditure, balance sheet) displays Transaction Number, Deposited Date, Received Date, Fiscal Year, Account Code, Debit/Credit amount, and Received From for financial receipts. A breakdown is also provided for totals for Accruals, Reclassified Receipts, Non-Reclassified Receipts, and Total Deposits. Reclassified receipts are those for which cash is affected in one fiscal year with revenue (or reduction in expense) recognized in the prior year (the receipt record created for the prior fiscal year will be tagged as an Accrual; the reclassified receipt will be tagged as Reclassified). The Source Process for the offsetting receipt record in the current fiscal year and the accrual record in the prior year indicates that the receipt derived from the Reclassify to Prior Year process. Please note that revenue and expenditure control balance sheet codes are not displayed in this report.
Product Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013