Remote Work 2020

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RDA will remain open for business during the COVID-19 Pandemic.ย ย 

RDA is prepared for Remote Work 2020.ย  The RDA team is successfully working from home. Our ability to serve you will continue despite COVID-19 stresses.

Business will continue as usual.

  • Helpdesk services
  • Program updates
  • Phone calls 
  • Training sessions
  • Special projects
  • And more

With the cloud delivery of RDA software, your RDA system and data is ready and available for your organization to work remotely.ย  A basic computer with high speed internet is all you need for secure access. A current version of Firefox is recommended.

Is all this really necessary? Most of us will not catch COVID-19 or will experience only mild symptoms. However, the precaution of working from home is aimed at minimizing the number of infections. This so that our healthcare system will not be overwhelmed. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a WORLD News Group board member, said the love of God and of neighbor should drive Christiansโ€™ decisions at this time. In announcing that the seminary and Boyce College would move classes online, heย admonishedย students, โ€œWe need to see this challenge as an opportunity for us to โ€ฆ demonstrate in a whole new context what it means for us to love one another, what it means to serve Christ, what it means to love our neighbors, and what it means to care for one another.โ€

Remote Work – With unknowns surrounding global health, it is likely that more and more people will be working from home and remote locations. Remote work is not new for RDA.ย  Below are a few things we have learned working remotely the last few years.

Some of the benefits of Remote Work:

  • No commute.  This saves time and money. 
  • Focus. Less interruptions from those walking by your desk.
  • Flexibility. One can work from anywhere with a good internet connection. 

Some of the challenges of Remote Work:

  • We are human. Fellowship is important even at work. Be intentional about connecting and chatting with others. Make it a practice to overshare when communicating online.
  • Have grace. Email, chatting and texting can be easily misinterpreted. Visual and audio clues are missing.  
  • Establish a routine. Much like at the office, one needs to establish routines and rhythm of the work day at the remote location.  Start time, coffee time, stretch time, lunch time, etc.. 
  • Use visual technology. Take advantage of screen sharing, screen shots, webcams, video conferencing, etc. Of the three components of communications (visual, auditory & words), experts agree that visual is by far the dominant component.


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