The Retirement Report (accessed in OpenRDA from Deduction Reports) has been extensively enhanced. This report uses the deduction calendar file (PAYDCSM) and displays deduction gross and amount by month, quarter, and calendar year (all payrolls that have been updated to history are reflected for the quarter and calendar year amounts and not as of the month selected). The report allows the desired deduction types to be selected for inclusion in the report (the deduction types begin with RETIREMENT, 401A, 457, 414H, VRS BUY BACK, STATE RETIRE, and PENSION PLAN). Employees’ social security numbers can be masked (only displaying last 4 digits) if desired. An optional, supplemental report title is also available as well as the option to sort and total by deduction type. Further refinement in selection of the desired deduction types is also possible via ranging on deduction type.
An equivalent report that uses the fiscal deduction file is planned for a future programs release.
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