The Substitute Work Maintain Screen has been modified to allow the verified flag to be unset for a previously verified transaction that hasn’t been finaled (brought into payroll via Select Subs process). On the Process Status tab, an undo icon will display when conditions allow the source user verified flag to be unset. The undo icon will be locked when the conditions are not met. A Set icon displays to the left of the Finaled field that will allow the Finaled flag to be set (to true/checked) when the work units equal the paid units. Work units may need to edited (which they can be as long as the transaction hasn’t been finaled and, is either not verified, or is verified but the user editing the record has admin edits) if all units didn’t pull into the select substitute process correctly (due to steps being missed or not done in the correct order).
Release notes for release 4.1.2-46330, compiled 9/5 Added Job Description to Job Fiscal Summary Define List Dynamic End Dates on Deductions working properly An undo...