Customer Care Receives A New Coach

Change is in the air. . . . Among other things I hope warmer temperatures are a part of that change! ย ย I also wanted to take a moment and let you know that I am expanding my role here at RDA. Having joined the company in April 2012 as a Training and Implementation Specialist, I will now be overseeing the Customer Care Team as the Customer Care Coach. The responsibilities of this team include implementations, training, Help Desk support, and any other consulting needs regarding our software applications. ย ย Being a โ€œnewerโ€ member to the RDA team, I have not had the opportunity to work with many of you. ย Therefore, I thought I would introduce myself.

My qualifications include a BBA in Accounting which led me to a job as a staff accountant right out of college. I soon realized I preferred the systems behind the accounting process rather than the actual accounting. To sustain a career down this path, I completed a MBA in the Management of Information Systems. During my career I have provided end user support and training, managed a team of developers overseeing the full life-cycle of development, and worked as both project manager and project team member for several software / implementation ย projects. Along the way, I also worked for a large ERP software manufacturer assisting in the startup of their regional training center in Atlanta.

ย I first came across RDA while transitioning to being an โ€œempty nesterโ€. ย ย I had previously enjoyed a 17 year career in the accounting / software industry until my husbandโ€™s career moved this โ€œGeorgia Girlโ€ to the New England area. (After this winter, I am in awe how we survived those New Hampshire winters). Realizing all the time spent at baseball fields was now free time, I set a goal to re-enter the world of technology. ย As I searched for opportunities, my criteria centered on not having a long commute or one that involved downtown traffic. ย I also knew I no longer wanted to deal with large company politics. ย Finding RDA was a perfect match as we are located in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, where I reside, and it has a company culture that continues to inspire me.

I have been blessed with two children. ย My youngest, Michael will be graduating from college this Spring. I also have a daughter, Melissa, who thankfully lives in the Atlanta area as she and my son-in-law blessed me with my first grandchild this past November. ย As you other grandparents know, being a grandparent is truly โ€œTHE BESTโ€! ย My husband works in the commercial plumbing industry and we will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary in May. I also have a 4 year old maltese, Ginger, who keeps me company as my husband travels regularly for business.

I look forward to working ย with each of you in helping you be great at what you do as well as making some lasting friendships along the way! ย In closing, feel free to contact me anytime on how we can better provide Customer Care.

-anniece squires ย acsquires@openrda.com.


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