Best Practices for Posting

image courtesty of Grant Cochrane/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Today’s blog is intended for finance directors and business managers.  Often (definitely more often than I would like) I see helpdesk tickets come in where we’re asked to change someone’s security profile so that the user can post activity that he/she has created. I strongly believe in the finance director/business manager having responsibility for posting of all activity as it’s the final step in the accounting processes (the person who entered the data has already reviewed the data via the audit trail and perhaps the distribution report). While you may not know with certainty whether the activity for a particular expenditure or revenue account code is correct, it does give you the opportunity to review the work of others in your organization, keeps you “in the know”  and can avoid some surprises (or embarrassing moments) at your board meetings.  Of course, I do hope you get to take vacations; so, designate/authorize someone to handle this responsibility when you’re out of the office!

How often should you post activity?  My recommendation is daily (if there isn’t anything to post, you’ll get no records selected).  Should you post the activity from modules separately or together?  Whichever makes it easier for you to review the data.  Do you need to print the report?  No, you don’t.  The Post Activity reports will automatically be in E-Documents (in the Financial Management module); so, save a tree and have a nice day!



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