User Group Meetings

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User Group Meetings in VA!

We are hitting the roads of Virginia and have 3 user group meetings planned in May. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us at one of these locations:

  • May 1st at Amelia County School Board
  • May 2nd at Northern Neck Technical Center
  • May 3rd at Warren County Community Center

These meetings are beneficial for both you as the user and us as the software provider. You get to learn better ways to solve problems and accomplish tasks, discover new features, and discuss issues you may have. We get to know you better, listen to your ideas, and learn new ways to improve our software. A successful user group meeting is one in which everyone can walk away knowing something they didn’t know when they came in.

Current users should have received an invitation to the meeting in your area. If you have not received an email but would like to attend, please let us know. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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